Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sketchbook Sunday: Trouble

Another sketchbook Sunday inspired by music. 
This sketch is a twist on the Nevershoutnever
song, "Trouble". I would recommend anybody and 
everybody to listen to this little band from Missouri.

Best Wishes.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Book Club: "The Earth Knows My Name"

"The Earth Knows My Name: Food, Culture, and Sustainability 
in the Gardens of Ethic Americans" by Patricia Klindienst is

Simply beautiful.

It is now my to buy list. It is a perfect read for any history buff, 
gardener, newbie gardener, wanna-be gardener, nature lover, 
permaculture geek, sustainability geek, and anybody that can 
read should love this book.

It is open and sincere. It tells the stories of all types of people. 
From recent immigrants to native Americans to the descendents 
of European immigrants.

It is not a manuel of what to do in your garden, it is an inspiration 
for your garden.

It inspires you to love the land you live on regardless of its size 
or where it is at. It is truly a book worth reading.

Best Wishes.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Local Color: Tiny Shed

I love my city regardless of its imperfections.
During a recent trip to the local zoo, I spotted this little
beauty. The orange faded red color of the wood
is amazing.

Best Wishes