Monday, April 30, 2012


Spring is racing by and the summer heat is pounce soon. Meanwhile 
I will continue to be M.I.A. for the next few weeks until finals are over
until then enjoy this shot of this pretty bush in our backyard. I do not
know what type of plant it is. I know it’s a bush that blooms pale purple
flowers in the spring. A plant mystery.

Best Wishes.

Monday, April 9, 2012


My puppy (she is actually an old maid) wanted to say hi. Who knew that a dog 

could bring so much joy?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sketchbook Sunday

It is hard to keep spirits up with deadline looming. I combat the deadline blues 
with silly doodles or mini projects. I learned about the blues name generator thru 
Gingerhaze. My blues name turned out to be fat lip Jones. It was enjoyable to 
draw and color. I am working to get back to watercolor and learn to plan out my 
colors before coloring any section of a drawing. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Current Project: Clothing Portraits

As the world starts to awaken from its winter sleep, my work starts to pile up in 
quaint little mountains. It a little disheartening is having to make the decision to 
stay inside the house when the outdoors are so appealing. I have to settle for the 
sunlight that creeps in from the windows. I hope that others have the luxury of 
roaming outdoors.

I am writing to present another project I have been working on. The project is 
called the Clothing Portraits. It is a little self-explanatory. It is a Portrait without 
any figure, instead using the clothes to represents the person. Clothes or how a 
person dress is seen as a sign of self-expression. So I was curious to see if clothes 
can be insolated from the human figure and still represent a person.

The portraits are quite small. The size is smaller than a postcard. It is crazy to 
see how many patterns and details I can fit into these little portraits. Shoes seem 
to be my obvious weakness in these portraits. I am not well skilled at illustrating 

I am currently working from fashion magazines and catalogues from stores. I 
am planning to expand into documenting individual outfits from fashion blogs, 
lifestyle blogs, and of course Pinterest. And maybe as a finish I might document 
some of my own favorite outfits. I will be presenting more clothing portraits as 
I continue this project throughout the summer.

Best wishes

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Current Project: Scarf Making

Some people believe in taking a break from needle work in the spring and summer. 
I have decided not to to that. Instead I will be slowly making this scarf though out the
summer. That way I will be nice and cozy when october comes. I am planning to have
four done by the end of the summer.

Best wishes.