Sunday, December 30, 2012

Thank You

I will always be grateful for a Snow day.

Best Wishes.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The List Update

So a couple months ago, I randomly wrote a list 
of goals that I set to accomplish before May of next
year. This post is to keep me kinda on track.

Goals that were accomplished

Clothing Project

Trip to Boston

No Media Day

One Thesis

Goals that are left:

1. Learn to Play the Ukulele

2. Record Myself Playing a Song

3. Trip to Canada

4. Make a Scarf Tutorial

5. A Concert

6. Draw Everything in My Purse

7. One More Mini Thesis

8. Make a Guide to Omaha

9. Draw My Bike

10. Donate Hair to Locks of Love

11. Make a Three Layer Cake

12. Make a Bread From Scratch

13. Bike Ten Miles Non Stop

14. Make a Collaborative Postcard

15. Learn About Mask Making

16. Finish Reading Permaculture Handbook

17. Ushili 2013

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Daydreaming of the Indigo Tour

The last concert on the Indigo tour finished Saturday for 2012. 
I couldn't make it out this year to see Nevershoutnever in concert,
but that doesn't stop the day dreams.

Here's a treasury of items that I could not resist to make. I daydream 
that any member of the band as they traveled would have or an 
enthusiastic fan on their way to see a show.

Best Wishes.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Reclaimed Anthropology Catalog

Anthropology is an amazing brand, store,
powerhouse, and creative force. Everything
is very well done. Even when the things are
not in my taste, I admire the company's taste.

So I am also a sucker for their beautiful
catalogs. I couldn't bear to throw it out to
the recycling bin. Instead the catalog became
two pamplhelt books. By dividing the catatlog in
sections, it highlights the art that goes into this catalog.

Best Wishes.

Local: Wag

Wag is a small local pet store and spa
in downtown Omaha close to Rosenblatt

It has great healther options of pet foods, treats,
and shampoo four dogs and cats. A huge amount
of goodies and other services to offer.

Its a beautiful shop and Omaha is blessed to have
it. Plus this shop has its own cats and dogs that
easily sweep away any heart.

Best Wishes.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Book Club: Wildwood

Regardless of popular wisedom,
I do judge a book by its cover
(but not people). And I have
to be honost when I say I picked
the book for its red hue.

The wonderful story and delicate
illustrations were a complete surprise.

I cannot recommend this book
enough. Its just so good.

And my hat off to the illustrator.
The work is beautiful.

Best Wishes.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Other People's Art: Cardboard Sculpture

I saw these great cardboard scuplture
around the University of Nebraska
as I head to their library a while ago.
The product of the hard work of
busy scruplture students

I especially love this teapot. It
would be incredible if little stream.
poured out of its sprout. Maybe a
small chunk of dry ice in the sprout
would do the trick, but might be
too wet.

Either way, best wishes.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Snapshots from a Letterpress Studio

Here's some snapshots from a letterpress studio
of the University of Nebraska.

The world of letterpress is quite beautiful.

There's something about beautiful tiny little
letters that have to be put together that is

Best Wishes.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Skill Honing

I believe in skill building. New
skills that push beyond what you
have been able to do so far. New
skills from basket weaving to figuring
out complex algorithms can only enrich
the soul.

I set out in September to understand and
be more capable in the field of graphic design.

This is not my area of expertise which
has made some areas of my life a bumpy road.
But I am so excited about learning the history,
new adobe skills, and just self editing skills.

I might not become a professional designer
but the experience was well worth it.

Cheers to a new skill.

Best Wishes.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sketchbook Sunday: "Sold My Soul"

Welcome back to sketchbook Sunday.
I miss this little Sunday tradition.
I am thinking about offering some of
these sketches as mini digital prints.
But more of that later.

I am starting to see a pattern. Music is
(especially of Nevershoutnever) is an
constant inspiration for sketches. This is
a hand-lettering inspired by the song "Sellout."

Its a poignant little song about the music
industry, the band itself, and the issue of making
art vs. money and the forced complacency that
comes with that.

Best Wishes + Happy Sunday