Thursday, December 27, 2012

The List Update

So a couple months ago, I randomly wrote a list 
of goals that I set to accomplish before May of next
year. This post is to keep me kinda on track.

Goals that were accomplished

Clothing Project

Trip to Boston

No Media Day

One Thesis

Goals that are left:

1. Learn to Play the Ukulele

2. Record Myself Playing a Song

3. Trip to Canada

4. Make a Scarf Tutorial

5. A Concert

6. Draw Everything in My Purse

7. One More Mini Thesis

8. Make a Guide to Omaha

9. Draw My Bike

10. Donate Hair to Locks of Love

11. Make a Three Layer Cake

12. Make a Bread From Scratch

13. Bike Ten Miles Non Stop

14. Make a Collaborative Postcard

15. Learn About Mask Making

16. Finish Reading Permaculture Handbook

17. Ushili 2013

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