Tuesday, May 6, 2014

24 Before 25

I am creating a new list of things I would like
to accomplish before I am another year older.
To a another year. I have not in previous years
not finished my lists, but hope is a tough thing
to kill. On a side note, peonies are glorious at this 
time of year. 

1. Crochet 100% Cotton Scarf
2. Read a new book per month
3. Blog every month
4. Go to five Art Exhibitions
5. Learn how to Knit
6. Get a Starbucks Gold Card
7. Draw more portraits
8. Win a bet 
9. Be a better person
10. Teach Grandmother how to knit
11. Buy a Bike
12. Eliminate some debt
13. Garden profusely
14. Study the bible regularly
15. Volunteer
16. Make Money
17. Learn Piano
18. Write a Children's Book
19. Do a study of Floral Illustrations
20. Visit Chicago
21. Be a better Etsy Seller
22. Create a Design Portfolio (7-8 projects)
23. Be stronger
24. Solo Vacation

Best Wishes and good luck on your goals.

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