Thursday, May 24, 2012

Garden Lovin': Radishes

Never listen to people who do not actively garden about when to plant. 
Take that secondhand-misquoted information they got from some garden
center in a Home Improvement Store, and shove it into your compost 
pile. They might be full of it. If they throw some random facts about
 the Farmers Almanac, the still might be full of it. Run and find a 
real Farmer or gardener.

Please trust your weird neighbor that has been checking and turning
their beds since a month ago. Yes he lost some plants but most of his 
plants are thriving.

Had I paid attention and listen to my gut, I might have had radishes
now. Gardening and home-scale farming is really a live and learn 
situation. Thankfully, backyard farmer neighbor gave us some nice radishes. 
They are really bright and I can’t wait to eat them. I want to experiment 
eating the radish green. I heard that some people eat sautéed radish greens 
with eggs.

Live and Learn.

Best Wishes.

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