Saturday, June 30, 2012

Finito: Postcard project

Another project bit the dust. After struggling again and again to get this 
series of prints right, I am finally done. This series Is inspired by postcard 
and the joy of getting those Pint-sized little guys in the mail. the print is 
very small, the size of a standard postcard. i had the intention of mailing 
the print as a postcard but I have become Attrached to the prints too much. 
Who knew a tiny series could be so time consuming?

This project is a small edition print. There are five different prints. Each 
print is an edition of ten. There is currently only one edition. To create 
this print, I used a photolithography process to create the prints. Just so
you know, the process is a relative to the traditional Stone Lithography 

For those who are curious, let me explain the basics printmaking process 
for this print. Stone lithography is a printmaking technique where the 
image is drawn or painted upon a flat stone. Not just any stone, these 
stone are straight up expensive (often call a printmaker’s stone).  The 
stone afterward is hit with chemicals that allow ink to stick to the design 
(instead of everywhere). The artist then inks the stone with a roller. After 
running the stone with paper though a press, viola a print is born to the 

Photolithography follows a similar pattern. Photolithography uses a light 
sensitive metal plate that is expose with a light machine to etch the image 
to the plate. After developing and proper plate protection crème, the plate 
is ready to ink and print.

 All the designs were hand drawn and hand letter. I was inspired to try 
hand lettering after seeing so many amazing examples on pinterest. I also 
had a secret desire to prove that my handwriting is nice and legible to myself. 
The words come from silly thoughts, songs from frank Sinatra & nevershoutnever, 
and a little show called the big bang theory.

The prints are standard postcard size. I originally had planned for these prints 
to be mail ready. So people could go, slap a stamp, and mail it without any 
trouble. But after all the difficulty I experienced in creating these prints, I have 
developed a strong attachment to these postcards. I decided to not to mass mail 
them. Instead they have become mini prints. I do not think I can bear to send 
these prints though the mail. I do plan to put some prints up on etsy for sale. 
Maybe eventually create a real postcard version.

 Best wishes. 

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