Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cupcake Love

For a good two years, I had a love affair
With this Cupcake shop here in town.
I love the décor, atmosphere of the shop,
I love the cupcakes (the most beautiful
Cupcakes I have ever seen), the coffee,
and chai tea.

Basically I had fallen in love with the
Shop. The shop had become my special treat.

 I think I basically talked people’s ears off about cupcakes. 

But word to the wise, Sometimes good
things must end. The shop started to
change. They got new employees, They
become focused on quantity not quality,
and the straw that broke the camels back:
they change the cupcake recipe. They did
something maybe a shortcut or loss of quality.
The cupcakes were alright not the dreamy
goodness it once was.

Our love affair came to an end. One good
thing that came out of this love affair is
some of my favorite photos of food I have
ever done. Enjoy.

Best Wishes.

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