Friday, March 28, 2014

In Progress Mission & Values

Hi Guys as I have written before I have started the process of branding 
my personal brand, "Foolishly Wise", and myself to represent myself the 
way I desire via social media and other mediums. Branding is often used 
as a catchall word for anything that is associated with the decisions about 
graphic elements, images, fonts, styles, and etc. Branding is also is sharing 
a story of the person or company or an organization.

This Branding process is scary and extremely exciting at the same time. I am
making decisions about how I represent myself that I have never made before 
or never given much thought to. I have done branding before for others and 
imaginary companies, but the experience of designing yourself is quite different. 
Each decisions feels so much more personal and heavier.

I want to share my in progress Mission & Values for myself overall. This is not 
perfect, but it is in the right track I want to go on.


To create, share, and participate in a greater exchange of knowledge and growth 
that results in work that celebrates life, relationship, nature, community, and the 
wonders of learning.


  • Ecology
  • Education
  • Exploration
  • Social Responsibility
  • Handmade

I hope this will give you insight into the branding process and what Foolishly Wise 
and I am about. I will be sharing in the future my working Artist Statement. See 
you later. 

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