Saturday, February 7, 2015

Sweeter Words Saturday: Sweeterchord

If you are on Instagram, I highly recommend to
check out the account, sweeterchord, by Katrina.
I do not know more about this young writer and poet,
but her words are beyond beautiful and touching. 
Her combination of written word and photography is 
incredible. I look forward to seeing more and more 
work from her. Checkout more of her work at her
website and blog. 

Quick note: The below peom as well as the images
are all rights reserved to Sweeterchord aka Katrina
D Photography. 

[ The Dawn Doesn't Apologize ]
by Kat (aka sweeterchord)

"Just watch the sun, please, my dear.
And then someday you will look around 
and realize that I'm still here no matter 
how many times you didn't believe it."

Unwritten, Unsent; poem 82

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