Thursday, June 5, 2014

Music Lesson: the Beginning

This is a new series for the blog. As a child, I was not active in anything to do
with music. My giant purple radio/CD player, my parent's CDs, or pop music
was what I knew. I was clueless about music for a very long time. Also years
of chorus did nothing for my ability to read music.

Years later, I am still clueless about music in many ways. After reflecting on my
music habits, I have decided to ditch the headphones and embrace the silence.
When I destroy my earhairs, it will be because of a live show not my iPod. I also
am embracing learning to actually play and sing the songs I enjoy. Plus I have a
piano that has been staring at me in my studio.

I will be sharing what I am learning on the way. Most will be old hat and some
new tricks along the way.

Best wishes.

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